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Volunteers Opportunities

We cannot express our gratitude for volunteers enough. Our program would not be able to be what it is without them. For our group sessions we need up to 15 volunteers per hour. We find that many of the benefits that the riders get through the program crossover to the volunteers. The smiles we see on the riders are infectious. Volunteers directly impact the changes and growth of the students because without them the riders would not be able to enjoy this valuable opportunity.

Volunteer opportunities include sidewalkers and horse leaders. Volunteer are required to attend one of our volunteer trainings. We try to match a rider and team of volunteers for all four lessons in a series, for this reason we ask volunteers to be aware of the time commitment. On a typical day our volunteers are asked to walk (and jog at times) for two hours, with a break in the middle, on a sand material in the indoor arena. We do try to have standbys that can step in and help out if a break is needed, but being physically able to do the walking is important.


  • Enrich the lives of children who are often limited in their opportunities elsewhere
  • Meet new people with like interests
  • Spend time with horses when maybe it is not an option otherwise
  • Get great exercise and spend time outside

Do I need To Be Experienced To Volunteer?


Volunteers who are sidewalkers do not need prior horse experience because their primary concern is the rider. Our beginning riders start with one sidewalker on either side of the horse. Those volunteers may be there for actual physical support in varying degrees or in many cases just for emotional support and safety. As the rider progresses we hope to remove sidewalkers slowly in order to encourage independence from the rider. We have found that our sidewalkers enjoy seeing their rider’s grow in confidence and ability. When they are removed they see what they have built for their riders from a different point of view.


We do ask these volunteers to have horse experience. Under most circumstances a person is not a horse leader until their second year of volunteering. This is because the leader’s main responsibility is the horse. This person has to be able to read what the horse is feeling about a situation and control that horse in any given situation. This applies directly to our goal of making the ride the safest situation for the student we can offer.

Other Volunteering Opportunities

There are some volunteer opportunities for those who are not able to walk (and sometimes jog) for a two-hour period. Please think about coming to the volunteer training or contact us to see how we may be able to include you.

Volunteer Forms

Volunteer Training Dates

  • TBA
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