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Want To Support Our Cause?
Our program has been generously supported throughout the years and we strive to continue the relationships with those donors. Grants from foundations, service clubs and individual donors are just a few of the ways that we are able to support our program.
We are brainstorming new fundraising ideas at the moment. While we loved our Triple Crown Party we found that unfortunately there are so many other things going on in the community at that time that people were not able to attend. We greatly appreciate the people who were faithful attendees to the party and those who were willing to donate even when they had other obligations.
Our hope is to have a different kind of party and we are looking into the fall. Think colored leaves, hot cider, and maybe even a Halloween type theme!! Stay Tuned!!
We implemented “Willy’s Fund” a couple of years ago at the Derby Party. The donations to this fund are specifically targeted for scholarships. Willy was one of our beloved horses who was donated to the program. This fund was created to honor and remember all of the horses/ponies that have given so much of their hearts while they were involved in our program. While we miss them every day they are still able to give through this fund in their memory.
We are also extremely grateful for the support of the Marquette YMCA.